For todays DS106 Assignment, I was excited to be able to find a quote and try to match with an image that I thought personified the words. Maya Angelou has the best quotes. Given that she was a poet, much of her is quotable. It was difficult to choose just one from her, but I always loved the following: “Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.”

When I went to choose an image, I made sure it was one that allowed to be adapted. Given that I am “creatively borrowing” both the image and the quote, I wanted to make sure I chose an image I could credit properly. I searched the word “wind” into Creative Commons. I feel like the word breath wouldn’t have shown as impressionable images as wind did. I chose this dandelion, as it reminded me of when I was little. I used to call these “wishing flowers.” I thought it was perfect that the image fit a specific memory in my mind, as the quote is about measuring life. Overall, I am happy with how this assignment came out, and had a great time creating it!

Quote: Maya Angelou

Image: “Dandelion wind” by @Doug88888 is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Image Link:
