This is basically the routine I do weekly. It allows me to work each muscle the number of times that I want and keeps me from neglecting a body part. This schedule also gives me adequate time to rest my body, as that is when your muscles grow the most!

I am currently on a 4 day split. It goes as follows:

  • Quads: I start the split with a leg workout. During this leg day, I focus on my quads. That being said, I start with squats, which take up a majority of my workout, then move on to other isolated quad movements like leg extensions or sissy squats.
  • Push: A push day works your chest, triceps, and shoulders. I like to start with benching and do about 4 things for chest. I then move on to triceps, doing about 4 workouts. I finish with 3 workouts for shoulders. This is my favorite upper body day!
  • Glutes/Hamstrings: I then have another leg day, but instead of focusing on my quads, I focus on my glutes and my hamstrings. I like to start with stiff leg deadlifts, then move on to exercises like hip thrusts, leg curls, and leg press. This is always super brutal, but gives it you a great pump!
  • Pull: For my last day, I do a push day! This consists of back and biceps. I start with a few variations of pull-downs, and do about 4-5 things for back. I then finish with biceps, doing around 4 exercises. If I want to make it quick, I superset my back and bi exercises! Not my favorite day but still important muscles to train!

Given that I follow a 4 day split, I am able to take a rest day depending on how I am feeling. I never plan a rest day, but more recognize how I am feeling and base it on that. I like to ask myself, am I being lazy or do I truly need to rest? This helps me stay accountable for getting my butt to the gym without pushing myself too hard!

As for cardio, I add in a quick run or walk on the stair stepper at the end of all my workouts. By completing cardio in small segments, I feel I am able to keep my cardiovascular health in shape without the dread that usually comes with a log run.

The same goes for abs. I rarely train abs, as I have learned that they truly are made in the kitchen and through compound movements. I really concentrate on holding my core throughout each workout I do, and it has made the biggest difference. Regardless, I choose a day a week to throw abs into the end of a workout, just for good measure!

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