Hi all! It is great to see you landed here on my blog! Let me introduce myself. My name is Maggy. I am a 20 year old psych student at the University of New England. I am born and raised in the great state of Maine!

About 2 years ago, I started my fitness journey. I have been a competitive dancer my whole life, but once that ended, I needed to use my time doing some other physical activity. I quickly fell in love with weight lifting but had zero clue what I was doing. I wish I had a book titled ‘The Gym For Dummies.’ My blog is sort of that place, but you are not dumb! I wish I had someone to tell me that it was okay to be learning something new and it was normal to need help.

I hope this blog can answer some questions that you might have about starting your fitness journey. If you still have some Q’s after reading some posts, feel free to leave a question in the comments!