For today’s DS106 assignment we were asked to edit a picture of our choice and make it in a comic book effect. I was not sure how to go about this at first, but I learned how to do it as I went along! I saw that Cripp’s mentioned he edited his picture on GIMP, so I figured that was a good place for me to start. Once I got that rolling, I was still pretty clueless. I ended up searching for a tutorial, and found one that I followed along to create this! The beauty of the internet is that it really has an answer for every question you have.

Then came the remix aspect. I wanted to incorporate something that others may be able to relate to. This is my cat, Cenzo. I adopted him as a kitten last year in the middle of quarantine. While it was a great time to adjust to having a new member of my family, I was not considering the long term effects it would have on him. You see, Cenzo now has attachment issues. We were together 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for quite some time, so that is all he knew since he was born. Unfortunately I am no longer with him 24/7 and he is not a fan. To make up for lost time, whenever I am home he always has to be right near me, in some sort of contact. As you can see in the picture, he has his little paw pressed up against my leg. This is a typical clingy moment for Cenzo. Anyway, I thought this meme might make a few people smile, and I am curious if anyone else adopted a pet during quarantine and has this same issue!
