A psychology student with a love for health and fitness

Author: maube6 (Page 1 of 2)

Fitness Bloggers I Think You Should Follow…

As one of my final posts on this blog, I want to leave you with people who inspire me and motivate me in and out of the gym. These are some of the people who I feel are trustworthy to take information from, and will help you as you take on your fitness journey! The links I provide will lead you to their Instagrams, but many of them have their own websites and youtube channels as well!

1: @gainsbybrains

I have talked about this account in previous blogs, but want to reiterate how amazing she is! Her whole instagram discusses the importance of putting science behind your fit lifestyle. She will not try to trick you with fads or convince you to a try a workout that is inefficient. Instead, she provides insight on how to transform your body in and out of the gym!

She is the first person I ever bought a workout plan from, and I had a great experience while doing it! She provides an entire guide on how to reach your goals, and as someone who had no idea what they were doing, this is super helpful!

You can buy her plan here.

2: @whitneyysimmons

Whitney Simmons is the OG Instagram fitness influencer. Although I have never bought her workout plan, she is the very first fitness influencer I ever followed. Through seeing her hardwork transform her both mentally and physically, she is who motivated me to start my fitness journey in the first place.

What I like about Whitney is how real she is. She shows all her flaws and imperfections, and shows how you can be confident no matter what you look like. She has specific workout plans, however if you follow her on Instagram, you essentially can take all her workouts from her posts. I do this often!

She posts different workouts everyday and videos that show how to do the movement. She is a great person to follow if you need a reference for correct form!

3: @stef.williams

Stef Williams is simply amazing. Any time her posts pop up on my feed, I immediately feel like I need to go to the gym. She posts all her workouts that she does, and they are majority at home! One thing that is unique about her page is that she does live workouts. This means that she will stream her working out in real time, so other people can log on and workout along with her. This makes her page feel super personable, and like you have a workout buddy!

She also always wears the best workout clothes, so I get gym fashion inspiration from her too. I often save her workouts and then pull them up when I am feeling stuck at the gym. Give her a follow for some major fitspo!


And there you have it. Follow these. three women and you will never feel lost in the gym again. Do you have any other fitness bloggers you love? If so, drop a comment below!

As always, thanks for reading, and have an amazing day!

Finding The Right Gym

So, you are ready to head to the gym. But which is the right place for you to start your fitness journey? There is almost an overpopulation of gyms now, so how are you possibly supposed to know which is the right decision for you?

Today I am going to give a few tips on how to decide where you will work out. There are so many factors that go into it, and as someone who has been a member at multiple different gyms, I think I have finally figured it out!

5 Things to Consider:

  • Distance From Home
    • This is definitely something to think about. The closer the gym is to you, the more likely you will go. Think about your lifestyle in regards to distance. Maybe it is more important to you that it is close to your place of work, or even your kid’s daycare! What would be most convenient for you? You do not want to make going to the gym a chore, so chose something that is a comfortable distance away from you!
  • Operating Hours
    • What time do you think you will be hitting the gym? Are you a morning, afternoon, or night gym-goer? Maybe you like to switch it up! Some gyms have 24-hour access. Is this something you will benefit from? If you go in the morning before work, do you need to be at the gym at 5 am? Think about your timeframe, and go from there!
  • Pricing
    • How much does it cost to be a member of this gym? If you only plan on going once or twice a week, consider how much you are willing to pay. If you go very often, it might feel okay for you to go to a pricier gym if you think it is worth it!
    • Some gyms have different membership options. Check out the lists of what each one includes to see if you want the basic one or if you’re interested in one that offers more! For instance, at the gym I go to, I have a membership that allows me full access to the gym, sauna, steam room, and spin classes!
  • Other In the Gym
    • If you are working out, you want to feel comfortable with the people around you. I am not saying you need to be everyone’s best friend, but it is important to feel confident in yourself regardless of who’s in the room. From personal experience, I used to go to a gym that was heavily populated by people ages 60+. I was so proud of them for being there, but I felt like I wanted to go somewhere that I could be pushed and inspired by others. The gym I attend now has a whole range of people, which is really ideal! There are some bodybuilders, some daily gym athletes that go for fun, some beginners, some elders… you name it! This type of gym creates a great community. Figure out what group of people will be best to surround yourself with!
  • Training Options
    • This one might be obvious, but what type of gym are you looking to go to? There are lifting gyms, gyms that have classes, Crossfit gyms… Whatever you’re looking for, it exists! Some gyms, like the one I attend, have classes that are specific to types of training, such as spin and kickboxing. If you are looking for a gym that is strictly lifting, those exist too!

Making A Decision

Now that you have some factors to base it on, give your local gyms a visit! Most gyms gives tours and a full rundown of what it would be like to be a member there. Also, ask if they have a try-out week or day! Many gyms give a day or week pass to you for free to see if you like it there!

If you choose somewhere and decide you aren’t a fan, no biggie! Many gyms allow you to pay month to month, so that might be the best option for you as a new member! I have switched gyms 4 times in my life. I have no guilt or regrets. It isn’t a life long commitment, so don’t stress it

Other Factors

I read up on a few other blogs that gave some great factors to consider when choosing a gym! I will link them below. The Planet Fitness link has some great things to think about, so give that one a close look! As always, let me know if you have any questions!

Muscle and Fitness

Planet Fitness

Organic Authority

Thanks for reading!

(picture is taken from my gyms website, find it here)

Mike Dewar’s Leg Tips: Yay or Nay

Welcome back! So happy you’re here. Today I want to incorporate an important aspect of fitness, which is gaining information.

As you are doing now, starting your fitness journey most likely stems from seeing what other people do. I started out following Pinterest boards and Youtube videos. We cannot start something without a little knowledge on the topic, so it is common for us gym-goers to seek out workouts and information from more advanced athletes.

Today I am going to be reflecting on the article titled The Best Bulking Leg Workouts: 10 Must-Do Exercises written by Mike Dewar.

Dewar’s post is super informational. As someone who feels like they know what to do in the gym, I still found myself learning new facts about different movements. I am always overjoyed when I learn about why things work the way they do, so I read the article multiple times.

Below, I am going to highlight the most important aspects of his article and follow with a reflection on finding workout information online.

Eye-opening Points

  • He begins the post by talking about bulking. This is a period of being in a calorie surplus in order to optimize training and muscle growth. I was simply happy to see this in there, as many people think working out is about eating less and dying in the gym. It is important for beginners to understand that muscle growth comes from both training and fueling your body.
  • I never understood the difference in bar placement while back squatting, so it was great to hear Dewar’s reasoning. He states, “High bar back squats are often used to maximize quadriceps growth as this allows for a more vertical torso positioning and deeper ranges of knee flexion… [and] is the ideal choice when looking to squat for bigger quads.” Just wanted to point this out, as it isn’t something you read about very often!
  • Walking lunges tip! I have struggled to figure out beneficial placement for my feet when completing walking lunges. I often find one of my steps to be short, and the other to feel like a stride. Thankfully, Dewar answered this in a simple way: “Short steps that allow for the knees to go over the toes result in deeper knee flexion angles (which target the quadriceps more). If you are looking to shift more loading the glutes (and a little hamstrings), bigger steps would be your go to.”
  • Not only does this article give tips and tricks, but Dewar goes as far as including 3 isolated leg workouts! When I was learning about training legs, it was hard for me to understand which workouts targeted my different leg muscles. Dewar includes a quad-focused workout, hamstring-focused workout, and glute-focused workout. This is really the answer to all my beginner leg training questions! Amen!

Finding Reputable Info Online

Clearly, as someone who is blogging about fitness with no certification, it is important for me to talk about how to find helpful workout information online.

All I post about is from my own personal experience and from what I have learned through reputable sources. I am no trainer and do not claim to be. Regardless, I want to help people.

So how should you know if you can trust the information you’re reading?

Well, for starters, see what the person says about themselves. Someone, such as Mike Dewar, will state their many credentials that clearly show they know what they’re talking about. Others, like myself, will mention that they are on their own journey, and just want to share what they have learned. This is great too! However, notice where they credit their information.

Do not trust someone who cannot back up a claim. That is a hard pass. Instead, find people you can relate to and who clearly share their knowledge for the benefit of others.

Overall, it definitely pays off to listen to a certified trainer. For instance, Mike Dewar “holds a Master’s in Exercise Physiology and a Bachelor’s in Exercise Science. He’s a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS), USA Weightlifting Advanced Coach, and has over 10+ years of experience working with collegiate athletes, national level lifters, and beginners alike. “

*Mic Drop*

So yeah, it is safe to say he is a reputable source.

Trust people like him.

Read and question people like me.

The combination of the two will get you to where you need to be.

Fasted Cardio: Fact or Myth

Today I wanted to tackle what seems to a big debate about whether fasted cardio is beneficial to your fitness journey. If you follow along with any fitness bloggers, the concept of fasted cardio is sure to have come up. This post is going to look into the pros and cons of fasted cardio so you can decide if you think it is something you want to try!

What Is Fasted Cardio?

Fasted cardio, as put by  Lauren Antonucci, R.D.N., a New York sports dietetics specialist, is “doing a workout after not eating for some amount of time.” Fellow R.D.,  Meghann Featherstun, further explains that for the body to be in a fasted state, you need to have gone 10-14 hours since your last meal.


The concept is that you will burn more fat if you perform cardio in a fasted state versus if you are fed. Clearly, people who are into fitness will take that idea and run with it. If something is going to burn more weight, the likelihood of people trying it is very high.

Here is the science behind it, as put by Antonucci and Featherstun in an interview with Runner’s World

  • Our body’s glycogen stores will be slightly depleted in a fasted state, therefore your body will look for alternative fuel sources
  • Our body’s go into our fat stores as fuel sooner when fasted
  • “we’re running more on oxidized fat versus glycogen or carbohydrates” (Featherstun)


Clearly, fasted cardio appears the way to go, as if you are going to run, you may as well burn as much fat as you can! So why are there so many critics of fasted cardio?

  • The amount of calories you burn does not differ between fasted and unfasted cardio
  • The percentage of fat burning in fasted vs non fasted cardio is not enough to make an impactful difference in your body’s composition overtime
  • According to Featherstun, “Research shows that there’s an increase in muscle breakdown when we exercise fasted, so it could actually decrease our strength
  • From personal experience, my energy is low and I feel nauseous if I complete a fasted workout.


Now that you know the basics of fasted cardio, what is your opinion on it? It is difficult to get a full grasp of its benefits, as trainers and doctors of all levels continue to have mixed opinions on it. This is one of those moments where you have to think for yourself. I personally do not agree with fasted cardio. Not only did I feel weak during my session, but learning about how it can break down muscle turned me away from it!

There is no right or wrong answer. The advice I have for you is to think critically about fitness fads. Get your information from certified professionals. Base your decision on your individual experience.


Article referenced: https://www.runnersworld.com/nutrition-weight-loss/a30277147/fasted-cardio/

Picture credit: https://www.nicelybuiltfitness.com/fitness-articles-news/traininglog-5

Killer Quad Workout

Welcome back everyone! Today I wanted to give you guys something a little different: my leg workout today! I figured it was time to share one of my workouts with you all in case you want to give it a go yourself. I left the gym walking a little funny today, so I am expecting sore quads when I wake up! If you guys enjoy this type of post, let me know and I will include some more!

I am currently following my boyfriend’s workout routine. However, I thought it would be good to give some references of other fitness bloggers/influencers that I take workouts from! These are some trustworthy people that I recommend you follow or try a workout from:

  • Sophie Van Oostenbrugge: She was my go-to fitness girl when I began working out! Her plans provide so much information on how to individualize the plan she provides. She also goes by Gains By Brains. She posts videos on Youtube as well, where I get a ton of nutritious meal inspiration.
  • Hanna Öberg: Hanna is a beast! She is someone who showed me how to be confident in my skin and that being a strong woman is sexy. Her workouts are intense but you will definitely see improvement in your strength if you follow her workouts! She is also a mom so that just makes her even more badass.
  • Morgan Moroney: She is a great woman to follow for all types of fitness tips. What I love about Morgan is that she comes from a gymnast background, so not only does she share her tips for the gym, but she also has segments of sharing gymnastics tips! While I am no gymnast, it is cool to see a different type of athlete share her fitness tips.

Okay, now that you have some inspiration to get you motivated, here is my workout from today:


Leg Press // 5 sets of 20 reps (5×20)

  • Make sure to warm up thoroughly, as this is the first exercise
  • Your feet should be close together and low on the platform in order to target your quads


Leg Extension // 5 sets of 20, 15, 12, 10, 8 (5×20, 15, 12, 10, 8)

  • Add more weight to each set as the reps are lowered
  • Use full range of motion, making sure your legs bend all the way and then reach a full extension at the top of the movement


Hack Squat // 4 sets of 8 (4×8)

  • Similar to leg press, your feet should be low and close together on the platform
  • Really focus on your depth, trying to squat to at least 90 degrees


Linear Hack Squat // 4 sets of 8 (4×8)

  • This is the same form and motion as a regular hack squat, just at a different angle that hits your quads differently


V Squat // 4 sets of 10, 8, 6, 6 (4×10, 8, 6, 6)

  • Progress your weight as you go
  • Focus on your range of motion, with similar footing as hack squat and leg press


Walking Lunges // 3 sets of 20 (3×20)

  • Your back knee should lightly tap the ground each time
  • Stay consistent with stride length throughout the lunges

There you have it! I hope your legs burn as much as mine did after this workout. Pain is gain! Make sure to warm up properly and stretch when you are done.

Photo: Me on the leg press today.

My Go-To Gym Playlist

If you dread going to the gym, one way to make it feel more fun is by enjoying some good music while you’re working out! Some people find different styles of music that they enjoy listening to at the gym. Setting aside a gym-specified playlist will really get you in the zone once it’s time to get to work. Once I put my music on, I know it’s time to grind.

I wanted to share with you all what my gym playlist looks like in case you have similar taste as I. If not, no worries! Spend an afternoon cultivating your perfect playlist. This will get you excited for the gym!

I am an Apple Music user, however, there is quite the controversy between if Apple Music or Spotify is better. Whichever you prefer, go with it. Just make sure you create a gym playlist, and title it something that will get you motivated!

Below are my Top 10 Gym songs. Enjoy!

  1. Loyal – ODESZA
  2. U Mad – VIC MENSA
  3. Say It – Flume
  4. BUTTERFLY EFFECT – Travis Scott
  5. Lord Pretty Flacko Jodye 2 – A$AP Rocky
  6. Babushka Boi – A$AP Rocky
  7. Ready For It – Carmada
  8. The Buzz – Hermitude
  9. You & Me – Disclosure
  10. Man Down – YBN Nahmir

Obviously, there are TONS of other songs out there that would help me through a workout, but I hope these are a good start for some of your workout playlists’. I like a mixture of rap and EDM. Don’t get me wrong, on some rainy days I definitely blast super dramatic sad songs and kill my workout, it is just about connecting the song to how you feel in the moment!

Give these a listen during your next workout, you won’t regret it!

Favorite Workout Clothes

Woohoo! I have been so excited to write this post. I am a big believer that if you feel confident at the gym, then you will have a better workout! Today, I am going to be sharing one of the big steps that helped me feel more confident at the gym; my workout clothes!

What is important to note is that fashion is subjective! Some people do not care how they look at the gym, and that is totally fine. For instance, my mom goes to the gym, and she is the most confident in an old tee and some leggings. What I feel confident in at the gym may differ from what you feel best in. What is important is to figure out what you are the happiest wearing, and stick with it!

I am going to be sharing my very favorite stores to shop for workout clothes. When I go shopping specifically for activewear, I take a few things into consideration:

  • How see-through are these leggings/shorts? Can I squat in them, or are they too sheer?
  • How does it fit my body? Will I constantly have to adjust this mid-workout? Will the cuffs on the arms feel restricting? Will have to constantly pull up these leggings?
  • Is this good quality? Will it last me a few years or only a few months?

If an item usually passes the test, I know it is a great fit for me. I have purchased a few too many clothes that I don’t enjoy working out in, but the stores below seem to pass the test majority of the time!

  1. GYMSHARK: Gymshark is known for being a popular activewear brand. I have bought leggings, tops, and sports bras from them for years! Each item has lasted me several workouts. The leggings all fit a bit differently, so you may go through some trial and error to figure out what style you do or do not enjoy. I love how the bottoms often have a matching top. This allows you to wear a set to the gym, or wear them separately! My favorite leggings are the Vital Seamless Leggings, which I have in a light blue color. These grey Vital Seamless Leggings are ones that I hope to purchase soon:

2. LULULEMON: Lululemon has been around for years, and is one of my favorite brands for in the gym or out of the gym clothing! I love how versatile each of the pieces are. I wear my Lululemon shirts whenever I am lifting, and my Align Yoga Pants when I do yoga or pilates. The pants come in all different materials, each specified for different types of workouts! Everything I have ever owned from this store has lasted. While it is on the pricier side, it is worth the money. If it is out of your price range, something from Lululemon would be a great idea to ask for as a birthday or Christmas gift! Below is the Swiftly Tech Short Sleeve 2.0
Race Length, one of my favorites by them:

3. NVGTN: My holy grail fitness leggings. If I had to recommend one pair of leggings to work out in, they would be from NVGTN! I have about 7 pairs of leggings and 3 pairs of shorts from here. They never fail me on leg day! I will be completely honest; they are tight. If you are not a fan of legging that really hug you, these may not be your favorite. However, I feel great in leggings that really hold me in and feel like skin, so these are just the best. The shorts are a new addition to my wardrobe, and I already know I will be purchasing more. They are high-waisted (which is a must for me) and fit like a glove! They are often sold out, but if you wait until they announce a drop on their instagram, you will be able to snag a few items! Below are the new shorts I got the other day. I will be wearing them to the gym tonight!

And there you have it! I advise you to take a look through each store’s website and find clothes that speak to you! Once I clothes that made me feel confident, I truly had better workouts. These styles also may not be your thing, but I do hope you can find something that makes you feel great about yourself! Putting all materialistic aspects aside, I think finding clothes you love can help you learn to love yourself, which is a huge part of wellness.

Current Split

This is basically the routine I do weekly. It allows me to work each muscle the number of times that I want and keeps me from neglecting a body part. This schedule also gives me adequate time to rest my body, as that is when your muscles grow the most!

I am currently on a 4 day split. It goes as follows:

  • Quads: I start the split with a leg workout. During this leg day, I focus on my quads. That being said, I start with squats, which take up a majority of my workout, then move on to other isolated quad movements like leg extensions or sissy squats.
  • Push: A push day works your chest, triceps, and shoulders. I like to start with benching and do about 4 things for chest. I then move on to triceps, doing about 4 workouts. I finish with 3 workouts for shoulders. This is my favorite upper body day!
  • Glutes/Hamstrings: I then have another leg day, but instead of focusing on my quads, I focus on my glutes and my hamstrings. I like to start with stiff leg deadlifts, then move on to exercises like hip thrusts, leg curls, and leg press. This is always super brutal, but gives it you a great pump!
  • Pull: For my last day, I do a push day! This consists of back and biceps. I start with a few variations of pull-downs, and do about 4-5 things for back. I then finish with biceps, doing around 4 exercises. If I want to make it quick, I superset my back and bi exercises! Not my favorite day but still important muscles to train!

Given that I follow a 4 day split, I am able to take a rest day depending on how I am feeling. I never plan a rest day, but more recognize how I am feeling and base it on that. I like to ask myself, am I being lazy or do I truly need to rest? This helps me stay accountable for getting my butt to the gym without pushing myself too hard!

As for cardio, I add in a quick run or walk on the stair stepper at the end of all my workouts. By completing cardio in small segments, I feel I am able to keep my cardiovascular health in shape without the dread that usually comes with a log run.

The same goes for abs. I rarely train abs, as I have learned that they truly are made in the kitchen and through compound movements. I really concentrate on holding my core throughout each workout I do, and it has made the biggest difference. Regardless, I choose a day a week to throw abs into the end of a workout, just for good measure!

Picture Credit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Squat_(exercise)

Gym Jargon for Beginners

When beginning your fitness journey, you may feel overwhelmed with all the gym jargon. Frequent gym-goers -whether they are into cross-fit or bodybuilding- have common words to indicate how they are going to work out! Think of this post as a gym dictionary!

  • Split: A workout split is your workout schedule. This can be whatever you choose, based on when you want to work out a part of your body, and how often. For example, you could have a 4-day split, consisting of one chest and cardio day, one biceps and triceps day, one leg day, and one back and shoulders day. You complete these four days, then repeat. That would be your split!
  • Set: A set is the number of times you are going to do a singular exercise. For example, you could do 3 sets of squats, meaning that you will do a few squats, rest, do a few more squats, rest, and then do one more set of squats. Once you are done, you can move on to your next exercise.
  • Reps: Reps are the number of times you do an exercise in a set. To understand in terms of the example above, you could do 3 sets of 8 reps. This means you do 8 squats, 3 separate times.
  • Drop Set: A drop set is when you have a certain number of sets planned, but each set you lower your number of reps. For example, you could do a drop set of 12, 10, 8, 6. This would mean you complete 4 sets, but the reps lessen by 2 each time.
  • Compound Movement: A compound movement is an exercise that works more than one muscle group at a time. A squat is a compound movement because it works your lower body (quads, hamstrings, glutes), your back, and your core.
  • Isolation Movement: An isolation movement works one muscle at a time. For example, a leg extension is an isolation movement for your quads.

These are just a few words to know as you begin your fitness journey! Feel free to comment any other terms that you might like to know.

Step One: Write it down

The journey of becoming your best self starts now! Over the past two years I have gone through trial and error to figure out what it takes to be 100% the best version of myself. This has helped me not only physically, but mentally as well. Put in the work, and the universe will reward you!


  • Write down your goals. What do you want to achieve in the next week, month, year? What have you always wanted, but never taken the time to achieve? Think realistic, but dream big! Writing down your goals makes you that much more likely to conquer them. Keep a journal with these goals and keep it close to you. Reread them every so often. Now, it sounds weird, but talk to yourself or journal about achieving these goals. Talk/write in the present tense. Act as if you have already achieved these goals. Embody the person you want to be. The only person stopping you from being that person is YOU. Read more about how writing down your goals helps you achieve them here.
  • So this might sound cheesy… but it helps me! Find an aesthetically pleasing journal. Any journal will do, but if you find that is pleasing to the eye or has a motivational quote, you may be more likely to reach for that journal. In this case, reaching for your journal = reading your goals = achieving your goals! It is basic math, really. Urban Outfitters sells some of my favorites!

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